Our Learning
Our Curriculum at Grateley
In September 2014 the National Curriculum changed. The teachers at Grateley have been working hard to adapt and refine planning to meet the exciting challenges the new orders present, whilst maintaining a broad, balanced, exciting and relevant curriculum for all our children. Our curriculum runs on a two year rolling programme to ensure that all children develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need.
At Grateley Primary School we offer a curriculum that encourages children to be active participants in their learning journey and owners of their own learning. Our children are encouraged to work independently as well as in teams. There is an emphasis on understanding how to learn and how to work within the community as well balanced, secure and happy individuals.
We place an exceptionally high emphasis on reading as we believe that this is the key to accessing the curriculum. This has been reflected in high levels of achievement and progress for all children.
In Key Stage 1 the phonics schemes we use are Letters and Sounds and Read, Write, Inc. We also use several reading schemes; Big Cat, Rigby Star, Project X and Lighthouse.
High quality teaching and learning is at the heart of everything we do. Teaching is consistently good and often outstanding. We constantly strive to ensure that we maintain and develop teaching skills through team teaching, focused professional development and sharing expertise. Excellent teaching and learning give children opportunities to be successful in a creative, safe, calm environment where classrooms and other learning spaces promote creativity and high aspiration.
Being motivated is an essential part of learning; all learning is set within a context or theme with a “hook” to engage all learners. This can be in the form of a problem to solve, an event to host, a visit, trip or creative theme day. In that way children have a real context to give their learning purpose. At the end of every topic there is an outcome that is shared with an audience – such as their peers, a guest, companies, parents and within the broader community. This provides the children with an opportunity to speak about their learning journey and to feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in their achievements.
Please feel free to peruse our current curriculum pages by clicking on the relevant links. If you would like further information about our curriculum coverage then please speak to your class teacher, the Head Teacher or the Deputy head. If you require a hard copy of any of our curriculum documents, ask your child's class teacher or alternatively you can request them from the front office.