Information regarding our Parent Teacher Association and Governors.
Parent Teacher Association
Grateley Primary School is exceptionally lucky in having an active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) who are invaluable in raising money, organising events and generally helping out at school.
The PTA is really just all about supporting the children at the school in a fun, social kind of way. This can be anything from raising money to improve the school's facilities to providing enrichment activities for the children. To give you a flavour of the difference we've made over the last year ...
We raised over £2000 at the Grateley Summer Carnival in July.
In terms of infrastructure and facilites, amongst others, we've funded numicon maths resources, a new computer trolley and a children's listening station. From an enrichment perspective, this year, the PTA has paid for drama workshops, Explorer Science Dome workshops and a visiting pantomine.
For the children the PTA have put on a couple of film nights - with popcorn - and a school disco which the children thoroughly enjoyed.
As a parent or guardian you are automatically a member of the PTA. However, we are always looking for new committee members so it would be great if you would like to get involved.
If you have any questions please do get in touch, you can emai the PTA at or contact the school office who will point you in the right direction!
The PTA also have a Facebook page - Grateley Primary School PTA - please feel free to check it out!