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Grateley Primary School

Grateley Primary School

Our Curriculum

The curriculum at Grateley has been developed not only to ensure that the formal requirements of the National Curriculum are covered, but also to promote learning, personal growth and development. Our Enrichment calendar enhances the taught curriculum; giving all children diverse experiences and opportunities outside the classroom parameters to engage and excel within their learning. We want children to grow into responsible and positive members of society who can work within a team and show respect and tolerance to everyone whilst at the same time developing their knowledge and skills to become lifelong learners. 

Our curriculum runs on a two-year rolling programme to ensure that all children develop the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to progress.

In EYFS and Year 1 the phonics scheme we use is Little Wandle Letters and Sounds.  We also use reading schemes such as Big Cat, Rigby Star, Project X and Lighthouse to ensure that all children develop as fluent readers as they transition from KS1 into KS2.

High quality teaching and learning is at the heart of everything we do. Teaching is consistently good and often outstanding. We constantly strive to ensure that we maintain and develop teaching skills through team teaching, focused professional development and sharing expertise. Excellent teaching and learning give children opportunities to be successful in a creative, safe, calm environment where classrooms and other learning spaces promote creativity and high aspiration.

Being motivated is an essential part of learning; all learning is set within a context or theme with a “hook” to engage all learners.  This can be in the form of a problem to solve, an event to host, a visit, trip or creative theme day. In that way children have a real context to give their learning purpose. At the end of every topic there is an outcome that is shared with an audience – such as their peers, a guest, companies, parents.  This provides the children with an opportunity to speak about their learning journey and to feel a sense of satisfaction and pride in their achievements.

Please feel free to peruse our current curriculum pages by clicking on the relevant links. Each class has their own page with blogs and a gallery to give a more detailed insight into the learning that is taking place. Class newsletters are placed on each class page before the start of a half-term, so that parents can see what their child's future learning will look like. This supports our home-school partnership and ensures that continued learning can take place at home. 

If you would like further information about our curriculum coverage then please speak to your class teacher, Mrs Hill (Head Teacher) or Mrs Norman (Deputy Head). If you require a hard copy of our curriculum documents, ask your child's class teacher, or alternatively you can request them from the school office.