Strength in an arch
In Adamson on Friday, we looked at how strong an arch construction can be compared to a simple horizontal bridge structure. This was the beginning of our investigations into Roman architecture and the legacy the Romans left for us in Britain.
There was much excitement over a couple of sheets of card and 2 piles of books as we tested the strength of arches of different spans. We found that a wide low spanning archway was no where near as strong as a tall thin span or one with a medium span.
We are all looking forward to further investigations into building arches in our final week of term. Let's just say there will be sugar cubes and lots of toilet rolls involved as we recreate our very own Roman buildings - arches, Parthenon, aqueducts and even a pop-up Colosseum!
We have loved our Roman topic and have all been so enthused to put massive effort into our research tasks which we have had for homework.