End of year production
It is that time of year again. The children have now been told the production name, which is Aladdin Trouble and have auditioned for various roles. They have now been told their roles and every single child in Year 5 and 6 has a speaking part. They are all so enthusiastic and have been supporting each other so well. I am really looking forward to it all coming together after half term.
The children each have their own script and their own pack of lyrics so they can be rehearsing. We have briefly discussed costume ideas but we will do this more after half term. Please can all parents begin to think about their child's costume/s and if you have any questions then please do come and find Ms Allonby on the playground after school. If anyone can volunteer to help with signing practice, or make up for the afternoon and evening performance then please let me know asap.
Book tickets early as we 'sold' out last year and we don't want anyone to miss out on what will be a fabulous performance. Letters with all the details will be sent out early next half term.