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Grateley Primary School

Grateley Primary School

Bear Class Blog 2023 - 2024

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  • 09/07/24

    Pond dipping!

    On our weekly welly walk last week, Bear Class took part in some pond dipping activities to find out what lives in the school pond!
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  • 28/06/24

    Circus skills!

    This week the circus came to Grateley!
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  • 28/06/24

    New Forest Visit

    At the start of June, Bear Class and Darwin Class had a great day in the New Forest!
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  • 22/05/24

    Farm visit

    Bear Class had a lovely trip to Quarley Farm this week.
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  • 27/03/24

    Easter egg hunt!

    Bear Class had a great time at the school field this morning, hunting for our Easter eggs left by Lucy, the class Dragon!
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  • 14/03/24

    Science Week

    This week, Bear Class have been super scientists!
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  • 29/01/24

    The Big Bird Watch

    On Friday, the children really enjoyed taking part in the RSPB Big Bird Watch.
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  • 18/10/23

    Baking Bread with the Little Red Hen!

    This week we have been learning about Harvest time and how important it is to gather in the different crops.
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  • 04/10/23

    Our special people

    This week we have been thinking about families and all of the people who are special to us.
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  • 08/09/23

    Our first week together!

    Bear Class have had a fantastic week getting to know each other and working together as a class.  We have tried out so many new activities and explored the different areas of the school.
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