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Grateley Primary School

Grateley Primary School

Key Information

Welcome to Grateley Primary School’s website. We are a small, village primary school situated in Grateley near Andover. We have children from neighbouring villages, Andover and Tidworth.

We are a school that has a real ‘family feel’ and I strongly encourage you to visit in person to meet the team and see the school in action. We teach our values of: teamwork, respect, enthusiasm and excellence throughout everything we do and believe that teaching children to become lifelong, resilient learners both academically, socially and emotionally is of the upmost importance to ensure children thrive.

We believe in a curriculum that inspires and engages our children and staff work tirelessly to ensure that the curriculum opportunities that we provide are tailored to meet the children's needs and interests.

I am extremely proud to be leading a school such as Grateley and I look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Gemma Hill