Attenborough Class Blog 2021 - 2022
- 09/12/21
RE - Clay Diva Lamps
As part of our RE unit the children have had the opportunity to design and then create their own Diva lamp out of clay. They enjoyed this very much and are looking forward to painting them next week.Read Full Story - 11/11/21
New Term - History
The children have been busy researching their new History topic - The Mayans. So far they have compared the Maya period in history to British History and begun to look at Mayan architecture. We have completed fun tasks such as making large to scale timelines and writing leaflets with the interesting...Read Full Story - 20/10/21
Design Technology
The children have worked hard on their designs for their own planets over the last few weeks, considering the materials they want to use and the colours they are going to choose. We began making our planets this week and already seeing plans and ideas change and adapt has created great discussion. T...Read Full Story - 29/09/21
In Science the children have been creating their own models of planet Earth and then squashing them to explore the theory of the world being flat rather than a sphere. They had great fun and found it funny that some people still have this belief despite the Science that disproves it. Please see our...Read Full Story - 13/09/21
PE - Dance
Today the children had their first session with PH Sport learning some new dance moves. They had 6 levels to work their way through, up to a dance challenge and all the children joined in and had a fantastic time. Initially there was some hesitance with embarrassment dancing in front of each other b...Read Full Story - 10/09/21
Cosmic - Class Book
The children have been enjoying our new class story called 'Cosmic' by Frank Cottrell Boyce. We have explored the characters in the story, their feelings and motives for their actions. We have had some role-play and drama to explore the different characters and the formalities and used this...Read Full Story - 07/09/21
New Year 5/6
The children have started their new year group enthusiastically and are busy collecting Dojo points in class. Please ask your children about their Dojo point and what they are getting them for as they are working very hard to earn them and are proud of their achievements.Read Full Story